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Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 5: “Dog Dean Afternoon” puts Dean’s compassionate side on display

Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 5: “Dog Dean Afternoon” puts Dean’s compassionate side on display
Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles

Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 5: “Dog Dean Afternoon”
Written by Adam Glass
Directed by Kevin Parks
Airs Tuesdays at 9pm (ET) on The CW

One thing that Supernatural has made clear throughout its run is that, no matter what larger threat looms over the Winchesters, be it Lilith or the Apocalypse, lesser monsters continue to be a problem that doesn’t go away. Occasionally, the Winchesters thus have to drop their larger fight to take on an old-fashioned monster, and this week is no different, as the brothers take a break from angels and demons to take on a one-off villain in an exciting episode that mixes in liberal doses of humour to the proceedings.

Watching Dean mind-meld with The Colonel was an amusing way to show further insight into his character. Traditionally, Sam has been more inclined towards animals, (in fact, the Winchesters’ trip to Heaven in Season 5 showed that one of his fondest memories revolved around the time he had a dog in his youth), while Dean’s opinion on them has remained an unexplored aspect, apart from his dislike of snakes. His interactions with the dogs at the pound is particularly illuminating, as it shows the character’s compassion doesn’t limit itself only to humans. As a defining trait of the elder Winchester has been his willingness to put everything on the line to ensure the preservation of humans, watching him free the dogs as well serves two purposes; not only does it indicate a willingness to save most living creatures if given a chance, it also demonstrates that the ensuing years have not shaken Dean’s core beliefs. It will be worth noting, going forward, if his peek into the mind of The Colonel affects his behaviour, particularly since he is able to hear the thoughts of all animals this week.

Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki

Kevin’s new role as the Winchesters’ advisor and researcher, although it happens entirely offscreen, is also a fascinating development. Although they have been able to parse together information when necessary, the brothers have always relied on others to do the heavy research for them, beginning with John’s journal, and continuing with Ash and then Bobby. Passing the mantle on to Kevin not only effectively continues the tradition, it further cements Dean’s speech about Kevin being part of the family now. It should be interesting to see how Garth fits into the equation, if and when he ever returns, as he has filled the position that Bobby held with a lot of other hunters, and may be encouraged to work with Kevin, leading to an interesting dynamic.

Overall, while not a classic standalone episode in the show’s run, this is nonetheless an entertaining entry. Some of the show’s most terrifying villains have been humans who have gone too far, and this week’s antagonist is no different in that regard. Ezekiel’s presence in Sam continues to be intriguing, and his quick appearance this week shows that he remains committed to healing Sam, casting his ultimatum to Dean regarding Castiel’s presence in an even more dubious light, as his motivations regarding the latter action still remain unclear. Jensen Ackles also gets a few great opportunities to show off his comic capabilities this episode, and he does not disappoint, particularly in his reactions to the pigeon perched above his car. It’s reassuring to see, as this episode proves, that the show has not lost its ability to make standalone episodes that nonetheless manage to have a bearing on character development.

– Deepayan Sengupta