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Fantastic Fest 2014: ‘ABCs of Death 2’ is always watchable but rarely memorable

It seems only natural for an expansive anthology like ABCs of Death 2 to offer up such a mixed bag
of short films. There are 26 in total, each running for approximately four to five minutes. Such the-abcs-of-death-2-stills-3time constraints act as a hindrance to many of the directors involved in the project. A large number of the shorts are either underdeveloped or conventional in terms of their story. However, there are a handful of standouts that make the viewing experience worthwhile.

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Fantasia 2012: ‘Juan Of The Dead’ manages to overcome any zombie fatigue

Juan Of The Dead (Juan de los Muertos) Directed by Alejandro Brugués Screenplay by Alejandro Brugués 2011, Spain / Cuba It seems every country nowadays feels the need to produce an epidemic/zombie film, something they can call their own. And so Cuba’s first zombie flick gives a distinct cultural perspective to breathe life into an …

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Toronto After Dark Summer Screening: ‘Juan of the Dead’ offers a strictly superficial change from the genre norm

Juan of the Dead Directed by Alejandro Brugués Written by Alejandro Brugués Cuba, 2011 The only thing more recycled than zombie films are the zombies themselves. It takes a special talent to reinvigorate the genre of the undead, and when Edgar Wright made Shaun of the Dead, it seemed like he finally created the be …

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