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‘Les 4 soldats’ Movie Review – is about the unseen, quiet war soldiers face

There are war films and then there are war films. The former are of the traditional variety that follow an individual or group of soldiers that form a platoon and train, learn to grow as a team and then suffer the inevitable consequences of battle. The latter follow a different battle plan, pardon the pun. Their interests lie in the more esoteric, psychological aspects of warfare, studying the toil combat takes on everyone affected by it, either directly or otherwise. Robert Morin’s latest endeavor, Les 4 soldats, initially appears to adopt the first of those two identities only to slowly calm its pace down and become a studious character piece.

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‘Louis Cyr: L’homme le plus fort du monde’ has brawn and heart if not brawn and brain

People become legends in the annals of history for all sorts of reasons. They might have been great inventors, intellectuals, soldiers, artists, political leaders, activists or, arguably the sort of people who earn the admiration of the masses the most easily, athletes. Their impressive feats of physicality produce admiration, inspiration and courage, but do do their journeys, the stories of where they came from, especially when they hail from small, lesser known communities.

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