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Survivor 27.10, “Big Bad Wolf” brings more genuine emotion to the game

When Jeff Probst and the Survivor producers created the Blood vs. Water concept, they prayed for a moment like tonight’s vote. Ciera writes down her mom’s name to secure her place, but it isn’t even necessary for the 7-1 outcome. The heart of the episode is the ongoing conversation between Laura and Ciera about their future. While the music swells in the background, their confessionals show the value of having family members together in the game.

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Hell on Wheels, Eps. 3.1-2, “Big Bad Wolf” and “Eminent Domain”: Old enemies and new leaders

It’s no secret- last season’s Hell on Wheels had a lot of issues, mainly the forced relationship between Cullen and Lily Bell (after all, this is not a show conducive to a dewy romance). Fortunately that arc wrapped up in the season two finale and judging by the premiere season three promises to be one heck of a year.

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Once Upon A Time, Ep. 1.15, “Red Handed”: Ruby in the rough

Once Upon A Time, Season 1, Episode 15: “Red Handed” Written by Ron Underwood Directed by Jane Espenson Airs Sundays at 8pm (ET) on ABC “Red Handed” is a substantial improvement from last week’s unessential “Dreamy,” for several reasons. One, the background of Red/Ruby ties in better to the bigger picture of the season. Two, the …

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