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‘Back to the Future’ #2 Establishes the Series’ Identity

this pair of stories successfully builds on the foundation laid by the first issue, continuing the anthology approach that allows stories to take place from all over the Back to the Future timeline (and, essentially, multiverse) but also developing its own internal continuity that helps the series stand as its own thing (and not just as an extension of the movies), while also having the kind of fun with plotting that only comes when a narrative has access to a time machine.

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‘Back to the Future’ #1 Features a Fun Approach to Licensed Stories

Most licensed fiction takes one of two approaches to its stories: tales set before the main narrative, showing what characters were up to before their original story, or stories set after, showing the further adventures of the characters. IDW’s new Back to the Future series, subtitled “Untold Tales and Alternate Timelines” intends to do both (and more), telling tales set before, after, during and sideways to the events of the movies, as Bob Gale, co-writer of the three films, is joined by a series of writers and artists for a unique kind of anthology series.

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The Future is Back: Revisiting ‘Back to the Future’

“Great Scott, Marty, it’s been thirty years…..!!” On July 3rd 1985, Robert Zemeckis’ Back To The Future split movie screens wide open with a time travel action adventure that’s yet to be equalled. A film’s film if you will, and a movie so complete in its box ticking it’s almost unbearable. One is inclined to …

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