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“Messiah War”: The Storyline Where Nothing Happens

There’s a certain trend in most stories where the characters go through some sort of change or growth by the end of the story; they’re no longer the same or in the same position as they were in the beginning. After all, this is the point of a story. “Messiah War”, the Cable/X-Force crossover, completely ignores this crucial aspect of storytelling and winds up being the crossover where nothing happens. “Messiah War” is a seven part crossover that never needed to happen, starring Cable the babysitter and the worst X-Force roster ever assembled.[1] Although it’s not the worst X-Over of all time, “Messiah War” has very little working in its favor. The characters are generically bland, the plot is way too simple to justify a seven issue crossover, and there’s no real resolution because as previously stated, this is a crossover where NOTHING HAPPENS!!!!

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FOX Might Make an X-Force Movie?! Who’s Gonna be Cable?!

Fox is arguably one of the biggest miners of the Marvel Universe, and for the longest time now, they have been drilling at the world of Mutants to deliver films attempting to please fan-boys worldwide (hitting the mark about half of the time, IMO). If you’ve been keeping up with any other news sources involving …

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