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FNC 2015: ‘Hellions’ is hollow and stylistically bewildering

Movies about gaggles of sinister children scurrying about getting up to all kinds of bloody mischief (or alternately, standing stock still, staring into the middle distance and looking creepy) are nothing particularly new to horror films. Movies like The Innocents, Children of the Corn, Children of the Damned and countless others have all found success in gleefully twisting the popular image of children as innocent and harmless and capitalizing on that subtle unease felt by so many people in the presence of the young. It’s an ever-growing horror sub-genre, and once which Bruce McDonald’s Hellions aims to stake a claim in.

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‘Turbo Kid’ is modest midnight fun

‘Turbo Kid’ is a post-apocalyptic love letter to the action-horror genre. It looks and sounds wonderful, with the kind of world building you would expect from ‘80s film aficionados. Unfortunately, a lackluster script and bland leading performance prevent it from being more than just a pleasant trifle, but it’s a bloody fun way to spend your Saturday night.

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