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The Knick, Ep. 1.08 “Working Late a Lot”: The Devil is in All of Us In Show’s Bleakest Episode Yet

This day was always going to come on this show. The moment we saw Thackery use cocaine in episode one it was clear that one day he’d be faced with the challenge of no cocaine at all. Soderbergh is right there with Thackery in the direction of each scene of his, often opting for long takes focused on Thackery’s sweaty façade. Whether it’s in a board meeting or an examination of a patient, Soderbergh opts for a one take that’s marvelous in its simplicity, focusing on Thackery while others around him chatter.

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The Knick, Ep. 1.07 “Get the Rope” dashes by at a brisk, brutal 42 minutes

The Knick has set itself as the show to beat this week, with it’s most tense and taut episode to date. “Get the Rope” sets its sights primarily on race relations, an issue that has been sweltering underneath the shows sticky surface for a long time now, but this week, it boils into the spotlight with a cruel and ugly candor.

Read More about The Knick, Ep. 1.07 “Get the Rope” dashes by at a brisk, brutal 42 minutes

The Knick, Ep. 1.05: “They Capture the Heat” builds confidence for a strong first year

Sometimes it’s the simplest things which bring us the greatest of joys. This is the recurring theme that echoes through The Knick as we reach the halfway point for its first season. From a first bike ride to a cold beer with a co-worker, it is the most basic of life’s pleasures that get our characters through another tough week at the Knickerbocker Hospital.

Read More about The Knick, Ep. 1.05: “They Capture the Heat” builds confidence for a strong first year