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Saturday Night Live, Ep. 40.17, “Michael Keaton/Carly Rae Jepsen” can’t build a show around its host

The world needs more Michael Keaton. He is an actor capable of incredibly unhinged weirdness and painfully deep pathos, so it makes some unfortunate sense that Hollywood has not always known what to do with him. So it is rather unfortunate that SNL, as well, can’t really figure out what to do with their host either. Keaton either finds himself the center of sketches that can’t construct a universe that can sustain his oddball energy (the advertising sketch) or sidelined in sketches without strong POVs (the “Smart House” sketch). It’s unsurprising, then, that the one sketch where Keaton shines is the Easter greeting sketch where he just addresses the camera for five minutes, a conceit that puts the full breadth of his talents on display. It’s a shame it comes so late in the show.

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