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The #BlackComicsMonth Panel is an Epic, Emotional Look at Diversity in Comics

Hosted by the energetic Miz Caramel Vixen, the founder of, the #BlackComicsMonth Diversity in Comics panel featured a wide variety of panelists from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexualities. They also work in vastly different comics genres from Mildred Louis writing and drawing a Magical Girl webcomic with women of color called Agents of the Realm to David F. Walker, who directed a documentary about the blaxploitation genre and currently writes Cyborg for DC Comics and much more. One of the panelists, Mikki Kendall, only recently broke into comics with the Swords of Sorrow: Lady Rawhide/Miss Fury one-shot and is more well-known for her pieces about intersectional feminism for XoJane, The Guardian, and others as well as prose fiction. Vixen let each panelist speak their mind about what diversity means to them, and they often tied in their thoughts with their comics from Genius (which I scored a free copy of) to Princeless and even Batman.

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The Walking Dead, Ep. 4.03, “Isolation” sticks in your gut because of what it says about us

By far the best of the first three episodes of season four, “Isolation,” written by Robert Kirkman continues to devote more time to both the characters we already know and care about, while offering some moments for the more interesting newbies to strut their stuff. “30 Days Without An Incident” was a fairly satisfying instalment, but left me with concerns that the writers would continue to introduce new characters and kill them off within the very same episode (R.I.P. Zack).

Read More about The Walking Dead, Ep. 4.03, “Isolation” sticks in your gut because of what it says about us