Cougar Town Ep. 5.13 “We Stand a Chance” ends the season (series?) on a high note
Cougar Town ends its fifth season with one of its best episodes in recent memory.
Cougar Town ends its fifth season with one of its best episodes in recent memory.
Cougar Town gets nostalgic with one of the season’s best half-hours.
Cougar Town Season 5, Episode 11 “Refugee” Written by Michael Lisbe & Nate Reger Directed by Michael McDonald Airs Tuesday nights at 10pm ET on TBS “Refugee” doesn’t appear to be hiding its importance in the show’s overarching narrative, with the seemingly unrelated events of Bobby’s boat disappearing and Chick appearing around the kitchen island at …
“Too Good to be True” sets up some rewarding character stories – and refuses to deliver on them, for the sake of easy comedy.
The framework for a great Cougar Town episode is right there in “Too Much Ain’t Enough”; it’s too bad the episode never taps into its potential.
Ellie writes a teen novel and Andy takes Stan to the beach in another underwhelming Cougar Town.
There are some intriguing conflicts to be explored in “Time to Move On” – but this week’s Cougar Town is only interested in resolution.
There’s promise to “Learning to Fly”, but this week’s Cougar Town never finds a way to harness it.
There aren’t many recurring characters who bring as much gravitas to a comedy as Ken Jenkins does on Cougar Town. Anytime Chick Cobb shows up in town, Cougar Town morphs from a slapstick comedy about 40-somethings into something more existential, using the established father/daughter relationship to explore some of the more difficult, unanswered questions we face as we head into the middle portion of our lives. “Hard On Me” is no exception: even when it’s not focused on Chick and his Alzheimer’s, death (in the form of an infected Ellie) hangs over the entire episode, a symbolic reminder of life’s cruelest inevitability whenever Chick isn’t on-screen.
Cougar Town’s first standout episode of 2014 challenges the pre-conceptions of its central characters.
“Like a Diamond” can’t shake its stunt casting, delivering a weak episode with a heavy dose of Crazy Jules.
Cougar Town’s back, and everyone’s afraid of something in a surprisingly poignant season premiere.
It’s been an interesting season for Cougar Town, one that’s had it’s share of emotional highs (‘Make It Better’) and overly broad comedic lows (last week’s ‘The Criminal Kind’). Tonight’s two-part season finale falls somewhere in the middle: it’s one of the funnier episodes of the season, but is often too sentimental for its own good, despite having its heart in the right place in the most important moments, when the themes of family and hope are at their strongest.
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 13 ‘The Criminal Kind’ Directed by Randall Winston Written by Sean Lavery Airs Tuesday nights at 10pm ET on TBS In theory, The Breakfast Club would be a wonderful homage on a television show, especially a comedy, where the idea of family is imprinted in the genre’s DNA. At its heart, The Breakfast …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 12 ‘This Old Town’ Directed by John Putch Written by Melody Derloshon Airs Tuesdays at 10pm ET on TBS Cougar Town‘s fourth season has simultaneously inched in two different directions: broader with its humor, and deeper with its emotional beats, focusing often on the three big M’s of adult life: …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 11 ‘Saving Grace’ Directed by Michael McDonald Written by Blake McCormick Airs Tuesday nights at 10pm (ET) on TBS There have been a few episodes this season where Cougar Town‘s reached a bit to create marital drama between the two couples at the heart of the show (although the same would …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 10 ‘You Tell Me’ Directed by Michael McDonald Written by Brad Morris Airs Tuesday nights at 10pm ET on TBS The first half of ‘You Tell Me’ was… interesting. There’s a lot of broad jokes about disabled people, Jelly Hulk, and a general aura of negativity that doesn’t usually serve …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 9 ‘Make It Better’ Directed by Courteney Cox Written by Rachel Specter & Audrey Wauchope Airs Tuesdays at 10 pm (EST) on TBS ‘Make It Better’ is equal parts silly and sentimental, an episode about the different ‘slippery slopes’ in life, be it mortality, relationships, or the morality of sex robots. It …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 8 ‘You and I Will Meet Again’ Directed by John Putch Written by Peter Saji Airs Tuesday nights at 10pm ET on TBS Cougar Town‘s played around with Laurie and Travis becoming a couple for awhile now – and quietly, they’ve turned a typical comedic story line into a layered relationship …
Cougar Town, Season 4, Episode 7: “Flirting With Time” Directed by Courteney Cox Written by Black McCormick Airs Tuesdays at 10pm ET on TBS Generally speaking, flashback episodes are a bad idea for sitcoms. It’s a very tough task to pull off a narrative that ties together back stories neatly (back stories that are largely being …
Cougar Town Season 4, Episode 6 ‘Restless’ Directed by Courteney Cox Written by Austen Faggen ‘Restless’ is a very… weird episode of Cougar Town, for lack of a better term. It feels like it has its intentions in the right place, and starts out as a very funny, promising Valentine’s Day-themed episode. Unfortunately, it slowly falls into redundant …