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‘Dallas Buyers Club’ Movie Review – an inspiring combat story against H.I.V. and AIDS

Dallas Buyers Club is an important film. Not because it tackles AIDS or bigotry or pharmaceutical companies or preservatives, although it does all that and more. It’s important because it shows one man who manages to overcome a 30-days left to live prognosis and makes a positive difference, all the while still being a real jerk, to put it politely. Based off of a true story, the material could have easily fallen into a Lifetime movie or docu-drama or a redemption story, but instead Jean-Marc Vallée’s Dallas Buyers Club is a compelling film about a real antihero, an alcohol and drug-abusing, flaming heterosexual Texan who contracts H.I.V. and lives to help himself and those around him, in that order.

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The Walking Dead, Ep. 3.03: “Walk With Me” revives worries about the show’s ultimate direction

The Walking Dead, Season 3, Episode 3: “Walk With Me” Written by Evan T. Reilly Directed by Guy Ferland Airs Sundays at 9pm ET on AMC Ricky D: Andrea and Michonne take the spotlight this week as their journey leads them (and us) in a completely new direction. Welcome to Woodbury! “Walk With Me” sets …

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