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‘The Ultimates’ #3 has Problems and Answers

The creative team for Ultimates definitely works in unison. While Ewing gives us the character beats and the story that will keep us coming back, Rocafort and Brown continue to assault our eyeballs with all manner of splash pages, colors, and inter-dimensional transport stars that are greeted by many styles of alien remains and a purple dragon to greet them. The Ultimates #3 proves that a team of past B and C list Heroes can be the next great thing in the right hands.

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‘Moon Knight’ #13: new phase

A latest “arc” of Moon Knight begins with the new creative team of Cullen Bunn and Ron Ackins. The title is quite a strange one. Given the majority of the big two’s output is overpopulated with comics deliberately written to fit into a six issue trade paperbacks a regular series from Marvel comprised of self-contained stories and only the barest of inter-issue continuity is nearly alien. While trying to follow up from the excellent run by Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey is quite the Herculean feat but it’s safe to say the team is more than qualified for the task.

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