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Film4 Frightfest – Day 2: ‘Hatchet III’ sees a fan favourite bow out in a blaze of gore

The contest between scepticism and belief in the supernatural is a reliable means of drawing out a narrative before any sort of big reveal. It’s a dynamic through which the television classic The X-Files operated, featuring the passionate Fox Mulder, who worked to convince cohort Dana Scully of “the truth.” Around this back-and-forth between two audience surrogates situates the dubious involvement of man: how much do the higher-ups truly know about what is going on, and what are they keeping from us?

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Fantasia 2012: Michael Biehn Refuses to be ‘The Victim’

The Victim Written by Michael Biehn, based on a story by Reed Lackey Directed by Michael Biehn USA 2012 Fantasia imdb For years, Michael Biehn has been of the most interesting and versatile actors in genre cinema, while paradoxically one of the most misused. Capable of playing the hero, anti-hero or stone cold villain, Biehn has the …

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