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‘Divinity’ #3 is a tense, reality bending crescendo

Although Valiant has only released three issues of Divinity to date, and will conclude upon the fourth and final issue, it is pretty safe to say that this mini-series deserves to be in the conversation of one of the best stories that Valiant has produced. Divinity introduces and manages to merge a brand new character within the Valiant universe that is both empathetic through his purpose and fearful from his unknown level of power from the cosmos.

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‘Bloodshot: Reborn’ #1: scar tissue that you don’t want to see

It is quite clear from the early pages of Bloodshot: Reborn that Bloodshot is one damaged individual. He has gone through quite the ordeal over the past year or so in the Valiant Universe from finding out the true intentions of Project Rising Spirit – the company that experimented and engineered nanites through Bloodshot’s bloodstream to enable a Wolverine-like healing factor, tampering with his memories and turning him into a government controlled assassin – to the traumatizing events that came out of The Valiant mini-series.

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