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‘Divinity’ #3 is a tense, reality bending crescendo

Although Valiant has only released three issues of Divinity to date, and will conclude upon the fourth and final issue, it is pretty safe to say that this mini-series deserves to be in the conversation of one of the best stories that Valiant has produced. Divinity introduces and manages to merge a brand new character within the Valiant universe that is both empathetic through his purpose and fearful from his unknown level of power from the cosmos.

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‘Divinity’ #2 questions the desires of humanity

Divinity #2 Writer – Matt Kindt Artist – David Hairsine Inker – Ryan Winn Colourist – David Baron Publisher – Valiant Entertainment Divinity has yet to answer the ultimate question posed from issue #1. What exactly happened to Abram Adams after spending all this time in space? The question has gained a bit of momentum in …

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