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Twin Peaks, Ep. 2.15, “Slaves And Masters”

“Slaves And Masters” is an episode of Twin Peaks that’s ripe with the feeling of change. The plots that the show spent too much time on over the last few episodes are finally drawing to a close, and the mysterious figures—Windom Earle, Thomas Eckhardt, Andrew Packard—are emerging from the shadows.

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Doctor Who Ep. 7.09, “Cold War”: Effective reintroduction of classic villains doesn’t make up for familiar, forgettable ep

This week, on Doctor Who: The Doctor and Clara miss Vegas, the TARDIS abandons ship, and a familiar face reappears

“Cold War” sees the return of Classic Who villains (and occasional allies) the Ice Warriors in a less memorable, though less flawed, episode than last week’s adventure on Akhaten.

Read More about Doctor Who Ep. 7.09, “Cold War”: Effective reintroduction of classic villains doesn’t make up for familiar, forgettable ep