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Quantum Leap’s “The Boogieman” Flips the Script on the Formula

Scott Bakula has one of those likable personalities that immediately connects him to audiences. This heart is at the core of Quantum Leap and its lead, Sam Beckett. It’s easy to expect that he’ll do the right thing, no matter how crazy the situation. The NBC series premiered in 1989 and aired for five seasons during a much different TV era. The theme song, episode structure, and overall style spring from that era and lack the rough edges of many notable shows today. There were certain beats to most stories that brought a familiarity that can be comforting. Viewers shared the journey with Sam and only knew the information that he received. The audience’s connection with Bakula made the show work because his persona made the adventure worth taking. There were some exceptions that diverted from the show’s formula, however.

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Through This Lens: Wim Wenders’ ‘Paris, Texas’

Paris, Texas (1984), a collaboration by writer Sam Shepard and director Wim Wenders, is a film of dichotomies: dichotomy of location, of ideals, of personalities, of gender roles. Even the words in its title are at odds with each other. The film follows Travis Henderson, played by a worn Harry Dean Stanton, who is always …

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