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In ‘Final Crisis’ heroes die, but comics live forever

On the surface, the title of Final Crisis feels like a misnomer. How can there even be a “final” crisis? There will always be a DC Universe, there will always be earth-shattering dangers, and there will always be heroes to ensure the end is never really the end. But the strength of Final Crisis lies in that it recognizes this, and uses this fact as the crux of the entire event: the promotional tagline was, after all, “Heroes die. Legends live forever.” The characters and stories of the DC Universe are timeless, never-ending, and very much alive in the way that language can be said to be alive. It’s from this angle that writer Grant Morrison attempts to comment on and interact with DC’s complex and often unwieldy history. While Final Crisis is not the final challenge these characters will ever face (because nothing ever will be until the day DC stops publishing — and at this point that’ll likely be the same day CNN puts it “Nearer, My God, to Thee” video to use), one walks away from it feeling like they’ve just experienced the ultimate in everything the DC Universe was, is, and will be.

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Tribeca 2012: ‘Death of a Superhero’ earnest, charming and well-acted

Death of a Superhero Written by Anthony McCarten Directed by Ian Fitzgibbon Ireland/Germany, 2011 Why is it when we see the word “death” in a movie’s title, we still hold our collective breath, cross our fingers, and hope for a happy ending, knowing upfront the story will most likely deny us that possibility?  There’s a …

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