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Television that Home Video Forgot: Commander in Chief (2005)

Commander in Chief is one of those shows that had a strong representation of a woman in political power that was not made to appear as simply a woman stereotype, but as leader who only happened to be a woman, a representation that was by far a landmark in television history and should be remembered as a series that although had it’s production problems, still stands as a significant step towards a future where equality includes gender, even in the highest office of the United States.

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Let the Games Begin: Theme and Allegory in ‘The Hunger Games’ Saga

  With the recent cinematic release of the latest installment of The Hunger Games series, Mockingjay- Part 1, it seems to be the perfect time to look into some of the more predominant themes and allegorical references in this wildly popular franchise. Being that these films have been adapted from Suzanne Collin’s trilogy of bestselling …

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’70s horror classic ‘Don’t Look Now’ getting remade

Remakes of horror movies are nothing new in Hollywood. We recently got one for Evil Dead, The Thing, and we’re a few weeks away from a modernized version of Steven Spielberg’s Poltergeist. Even in terms of ’70s horror, there have been countless sequels and spinoffs all varying on the initial premise of The Exorcist. But …

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‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part I’ is all prologue

The splitting of the conclusions of recent fantasy or sci-fi franchises into two parts (or more – looking at you, Peter Jackson) has been financially successful for Hollywood studios, but less so creatively. Only arguable trendsetter Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I proved a satisfying film in its own right by being so rich in character interplay and having an actual sense of progression. Mockingjay – Part I is heavy on character beats, but they are repetitive ones due to its limited scope through withholding all the big stuff until Part 2.

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‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ is a strong blockbuster, somewhat hindered by familiar franchise sequel cues

With I Am Legend and Constantine in his filmography, two not entirely successful features but both ones with impressive sequences here and there, director Francis Lawrence would seem an adequate fit for a populist sci-fi or fantasy franchise instalment.

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‘The Hunger Games’ is a fine, gripping dystopian effort that overcomes its influences

The Hunger Games Written for the screen by Suzanne Collins, Gary Ross and Billy Ray Directed by Gary Ross USA, 2012 In the dystopian, totalitarian nation of Panem, a wealthy capital city rules over an impoverished nation of districts. As penance for a previous rebellion, every year sees each district forced to enter two adolescents …

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