Hannibal Ep 2.06 “Futamono” a leg up on most TV episodes
“Futamono” marks the halfway point in season two of Bryan Fuller’s small screen masterpiece Hannibal. The plot burns forward, setting up the romance between Hannibal and Alana, and placing enough proof of Lecter’s crimes directly in front of Jack and Chilton. There are lots of clever nods to Silence of the Lambs, from Will’s talk with Jack mirroring Hannibal’s conversation with Clarice about Buffalo Bill’s motives, to the discovery of Miriam Lass, trapped in a cellar. “Futamono” inches forward at such a speedy rate that it won’t come as a big surprise if the events in the season’s cold open take place before the finale. “Futamono” isn’t the most exciting instalment of the series, but there are a number of interesting twists, and an ending that could make most gore hounds gag.