Freaks and Geeks Ep 1.08 ‘Girlfriends and Boyfriends’ shows just how blind infatuation can be
‘Girlfriends and Boyfriends’ begins with Lindsay entering McKinley for another day of school. On her way to the patio, she passes by the other cliques you typically see in high schools dramas – jocks tossing around a football, nerds with their binders in hand, and the like. She notices them, but quickly dismisses them as she heads outside (reminding us that Freaks and Geeks is not a show that operates within cliches, allowing us to reset our expectations for the stories to follow)… that is, until she passes Generic Couple Making Out in the hallway, and becomes fixated on their grope-y embrace. If the title didn’t already give it away, that moment reveals the sole focus of the episode: sex and relationships.