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‘Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye’ has a cunning, scheming Cagney rip institutions and lives apart

Small warts aside, Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye is a well put together drama that invites viewers to observe how one very intelligent and confident man works his way around the law to get ahead in life. Although some of his calculated risks are a little far fetched, it remains compelling to follow Ralph Cotton through his episodic adventure. It works like a thinking man’s White Heat.

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Alien Invasion Month: ‘THEM!’

In that filled-to-bursting canon of 1950s science fiction cinema, movies range from true film classics – like the Hawksian The Thing from Another World (1951), and that alarm bell about human desensitization, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) – to cheapie craptasmagoriums like Beginning of the End (1957 – giant grasshoppers crawling over photographs of downtown Chicago), and It Conquered the World (1956 – “It” being an alien that looks like a devil-faced carrot with lobster claws). I

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