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To Better Know a Hero: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is a superhero identity that’s actually been used by three different characters of note and, despite the fact that Lang is the character being used in the Marvel Studios feature film, he is, arguably, the least of the three characters. Hank Pym originated the identity and though he quickly discarded it in favor of the more overtly powerful Giant-Man (using his size-changing Pym Particles to get bigger instead of smaller, a switch Pym-creator Stan Lee has said was triggered by artists failing to depict the world around the shrunken Pym in proper perspective), it was as Ant-Man that Pym helped co-found the Avengers (and come up with their name), and though he quickly left the specific Ant-Man identity behind, Pym remains a stalwart member of the Avengers.

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‘Avengers: Rage of Ultron’ shows strings are all the rage

Avengers: Rage of Ultron Written by Rick Remender Art by Jerome Opena, Pepe Larraz, Mark Morales Published by Marvel Comics You might have heard of this tiny little film called Avengers: Age of Ultron hitting theaters on May 1st. Marvel wanted to prep casual readers and hardcore readers alike and published  a bold, game-changing, original …

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Age of Ultron Concludes With a Fun, Insane Ride that Actually Makes Sense

Age of Ultron #10 Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artists: Alex Maleev, Bryan Hitch, Butch Guice, Brandon Peterson (cover), Carlos Pacheco, David Marquez, Joe Quesada Colorists: Paul Mounts, Richard Isanove Publisher: Marvel Comics Because of the events and format of this book, it is extremely hard to write about. The last issue and ending of Age of …

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Age of Ultron #9 Uses Dialogue and Characterization to Begin to Wrap Up the Series

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Pencilers: Carlos Pacheco and Brandon Peterson Colorists: Jose Villarubia and Paul Mounts Cover: Carlos Pacheco Publisher: Marvel Brian Michael Bendis deftly handles the multiple timelines that he has set up in the previous issues and resolves some plot threads in a logical fashion while setting up a big finale that could …

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