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Before ‘The Grandmaster’ cuts, there was Harvey Weinstein’s take on ‘Mimic’

In his review of The Grandmaster, Josh Spiegel notes that the American cut of Wong Kar-Wai’s new film “never stops letting its audience know that a fuller cut exists.” The blame for those missing 20 minutes appears to rest squarely on the shoulders of Harvey Weinstein, studio executive and co-founder of The Weinstein Company.

Read More about Before ‘The Grandmaster’ cuts, there was Harvey Weinstein’s take on ‘Mimic’

U.S. cut of ‘The Grandmaster’ mostly thrilling, despite excessive audience hand-holding

It’s almost impossible to consider the U.S. cut of The Grandmaster without wondering what’s been lost, to the point of regretting that either Harvey Weinstein or director Wong Kar-Wai (depending on which story you read) doesn’t trust American audiences to pick up on simple nuances, character titles and motivations, and historical context.

Read More about U.S. cut of ‘The Grandmaster’ mostly thrilling, despite excessive audience hand-holding