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‘Heavy Rain’ PS4 Remaster Is Offensively Bad

Before I explain why Heavy Rain’s PS4 remaster is a blatant attempt to rake in some cash under the pretense of archaic and borderline unethical PR sleight-of-hand, let me first admit that I love Heavy Rain. I think it holds up to this day, not just visually, but also mechanically. Even despite the plethora of negative …

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The ‘Resident Evil’ franchise dispels the myths about video game adaptations

Whenever an artistic medium dares to cheat on its loyal fanbase by scurrying over to another, anger and thinkpieces likely follow. Technology has amped up an uncanny-valley-sort of realism in video games. Movies have added more CGI to its blockbuster spectacles and animation. Thus, the previously distinct media have drawn blurrier lines with consumers none too pleased.

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