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Babylon, Ep. 1.03: “Thameside Center” takes the series a big step forward

To this point in its short run, the series has excelled during moments of quick-witted comedy. The writing in that department shows experience and understanding of natural humor as well as command over punchlines. But “Thameside Center,” while still containing pieces of that comedic know-how, is actually more powerful as blunt piece of dramatic work.

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‘Coriolanus’ is a serviceable interpretation of Shakespeare’s play, but never excels as a whole

Coriolanus Written by John Logan Directed by Ralph Fiennes UK, 2011 Many of the more interesting Shakespeare adaptations in film history are those that tend to be furthest removed from the stage tradition of the plays; changing the settings and eras, applying different preoccupations, and even dispensing with the writer’s prose altogether in some cases. …

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