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‘Batwoman #37:’ at the Devil’s crossroads

While Batwoman has had an awkward run thanks mostly to interference by DC editorial and the infamous marriage fiasco, Marc Andreyko seems to be rounding out the end of this sadly mistreated title with grace. Finally unshackled from the tone of Williams III and Blackman’s run, the currently story line of Batwoman teaming up with various heroes, antiheroes, and villains from across the DCU’s mystical and criminal undergrounds is starting out strong.

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‘Batwoman’ #36 Dives Head First into the Occult

Last month, Batwoman saw Kate Kane working alongside the likes of Red Alice, Clayface, Ragman, and Etrigan the Demon in space while fighting the forces of Hell and Morgan le Fey. It served as a proper introduction to Batwoman’s new occult themed team: the Unknowns. Now the series jumps back to explain the hows and whys of last issue. This month manages to perfectly balance both the oncoming mystical madness and the fallout from the last year or so of story lines.

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