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The Newsroom, Ep 2.08: “Election Night Part 1” sets things up for the finale while managing to not feel like a filler episode

With the exposure of News Night’s major story of chemical weapons use by the American army turning out to be a complete fabrication last week, the team as a whole, and Will and Mackenzie in particular, face a long road ahead in rebuilding what they had before the Genoa report, despite the surprising vote of confidence from Leona Lansing. This week’s episode focuses on the aftermath of Leona’s unexpected decision on the news team, examining the toll the story takes on the emotional state and decision-making capabilities of various members of the team, in a well-done setup to the end of the season.

Read More about The Newsroom, Ep 2.08: “Election Night Part 1” sets things up for the finale while managing to not feel like a filler episode