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Nikita, Ep 3.18: “Broken Home” reveals more about Amanda as the Division coup claims the life of a major character

The boiling tensions in Division came to a head last week, pushed forward in no small part by Amanda. With Ryan out of commission, Nikita captured, and Alex mentally compromised, the leadership of the covert organisation was at the weakest level it has been since Percy’s death, making the results of this coup truly uncertain, particularly on a show that has never been hesitant in shaking up the status quo, starting all the way back with the death of major characters Thom and Jaden in season one. This week’s episode explores the fallout from the Division coup and Nikita’s capture, delivering another shocking episode that gives the audience a glimpse into what makes Amanda tick, and leaves Division irrevocably changed.

Read More about Nikita, Ep 3.18: “Broken Home” reveals more about Amanda as the Division coup claims the life of a major character