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Constantine, Ep. 1.05, “Danse Vaudou” spreads its plot a little thinly

At first, “Danse Vaudou” seems like a supernatural murder mystery with some added flavor from Emmett Scanlan’s Southern-fried police detective Jim Corrigan, but writer Christine Boylan’s script quickly takes a turn for the better by connecting the case of the week to the personal lives of the victims as well as of John Constantine himself, Zed, and Papa Midnite. The episode uses New Orleans’ voodoo tradition as well as jazz and reggae music to drive the plot and differentiate it from the other settings Constantine and Zed have investigated throughout the series.

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Nikita, Ep 3.18: “Broken Home” reveals more about Amanda as the Division coup claims the life of a major character

The boiling tensions in Division came to a head last week, pushed forward in no small part by Amanda. With Ryan out of commission, Nikita captured, and Alex mentally compromised, the leadership of the covert organisation was at the weakest level it has been since Percy’s death, making the results of this coup truly uncertain, particularly on a show that has never been hesitant in shaking up the status quo, starting all the way back with the death of major characters Thom and Jaden in season one. This week’s episode explores the fallout from the Division coup and Nikita’s capture, delivering another shocking episode that gives the audience a glimpse into what makes Amanda tick, and leaves Division irrevocably changed.

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Nikita, Ep 3.02, “Innocence”: Nikita’s early actions taken to extreme lengths

Nikita, Season 3, Episode 2: “Innocence” Written by Mary Trahan Directed by John Badham Airs Fridays at 9pm (ET) on the CW Despite Nikita’s intentions, and the good she did for Alex by weaning her off of drugs and giving her life a purpose, there’s no denying that their early relationship had the potential to …

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