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Fantastic Fest 2014: ‘ABCs of Death 2’ is always watchable but rarely memorable

It seems only natural for an expansive anthology like ABCs of Death 2 to offer up such a mixed bag
of short films. There are 26 in total, each running for approximately four to five minutes. Such the-abcs-of-death-2-stills-3time constraints act as a hindrance to many of the directors involved in the project. A large number of the shorts are either underdeveloped or conventional in terms of their story. However, there are a handful of standouts that make the viewing experience worthwhile.

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Fantasia 2011: ‘A Lonely Place to Die’ a thriller that boasts genuine thrills

A Lonely Place to Die Written by Will Gilbey and Julian Gilbey Directed by Julian Gilbey UK, 2011 A rare thriller that actually contains thrills, UK export A Lonely Place to Die comes up with a formula so ingenious it’s a wonder we haven’t already seen it a million times before: high-octane cliff-scaling meets cat-and-mouse …

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