‘Adventure Time The Flip Side’ is the Best Kind of Nonsense
The land of Ooo tends to be a place of candy people and talking dogs. Where the normal day for our heroes Finn and Jake is to save princesses from the odd wizard, Ice King. Yet Adventure Time: The Flip Side takes the land of Ooo to new levels of adventure and nonsense. Boy is it great stuff! The whole creative team for the comic pulls a fast going, free flowing jokes and action adventure. Nothing falls flat. The writing team of Coover and Tobin beautifully work to make dialogue that is witty and entertaining between all the characters. The plotline of the adventure is pure madness, and it is a wonderful thing. The levels of utter nonsense and “What in the world is happening.” sells the humor of the whole affair. Working jointly with the writing of Coover and Tobin is the artwork of Wook Jin Clark. The art is high energy and is perfect to the storyline. Adventure Time The Flip Side is a work of art and a glorious comedy.