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‘Bitch Planet’ #2 is a Bold Breath of Fresh Air

As comic book readership becomes ever more aware of problems within popular media, it’s been harder and harder to find a book that isn’t problematic. Kelly Sue DeConnick’s ongoing independent book, Bitch Planet, is a gem in the slowly improving realm of comic books and geek culture. Only two issues in, it’s of course, impossible to say whether Bitch Planet is entirely non-problematic, but as of last week’s issue, and seems far more indicative of equality and representation than many other books. At least this is the case when the reader is old enough for strong language, nudity, and certainly violence. This book is not for the kids! Nor is it for those whom become incensed immediately upon hearing the “f word” (feminism). For those who are more open-minded, and those who have been searching desperately for a comic book that represents them, look no further!

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Captain Marvel #10 revisits the stars (metaphorically speaking)

Kelly Sue DeConnick’s run on Captain Marvel has been an interesting, if a bit uneven, romp. Throughout her time on the book, it has seemed that everyone involved, Kelly Sue, Marvel, even the good Captain herself is struggling to figure out who Carol Danvers is and where she fits best. From the clearly-meant-to-be-a-limited-series opening arc (which was fantastic), a time-traveling tour around the history of Carol Danvers and Marvel Universe female aviation in general, to her most recent stint in space as Avenging Ambassador to the cosmos/Babysitter of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Carol has been trying on a lot of hats (I meant that as a metaphor but it occurs to me that there is one very literal hat that has gained so much popularity amongst the Carol Corps that it now exists in our universe as well).

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‘Bitch Planet’ #1 is the fuel to the fire that burns conformity

Kelly Sue DeConnick has been on an absolute role as of late. It seems like everything the writer releases turns into a hit. Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly, and now, Bitch Planet: all great quality titles. All right, that’s enough praise. Let’s get a little more serious now. Bitch Planet #1 is awesome.

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Captain Marvel #9 is a fairy tale musical in space

In Captain Marvel #9, Kelly Sue DeConnick and David Lopez switch gears from space opera to rock opera in space involving variations on the traditional fairy tale. DeConnick inverts gender roles, writes about 75% of the issue’s dialogue in rhyme, and reinvents the character of Lila Cheney (who I previously thought was a Dazzler knockoff while showcasing Captain Marvel’s ability to inspire heroism and self-sacrifice in other people. Artist David Lopez adds a lot of the humor to the proceedings with his penchant for expressive faces. He also spaces out his panels in a way which reflects the rhyming scheme of dialogue before bringing out creative layouts and speed lines for the big third act battle. Colorist Lee Loughridge adds to the musical flavor of Captain Marvel #9 by contrasting the colors of the musical notes with the rest of the panel. He also adds a bit of pop to the teleportation and other dramatic scenes.

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Captain Marvel #7 Blends Humor and Emotion

 Captain Marvel #7 Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick Art by Marcio Takara Colored by Lee Loughridge Published by Marvel Even if it’s basically a “bottle issue” set inside Captain Marvel’s ships, Captain Marvel #7 has Kelly Sue DeConnick’s characteristic humorous dialogue and strong characterization mixed with simple, expressive line-work from guest artist Marcio Takara (BOOM’s Incredibles comics, The Flash), who also has a …

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‘Pretty Deadly’ Vol.1: Imaginative Fusion of Western, Fantasy and Folklore

Pretty Deadly Volume One: The Shrike (#1-5) Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick Art and covers by Emma Rios. Colours by Jordan Bellaire. Published by Image Comics Now is the perfect time to catch up one of the biggest surprise hits of 2013: Kelly Sue DeConnick’s and Emma Rios’ Pretty Deadly. The series is currently on …

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Captain Marvel #1 is a High-Flying Return for Carol Danvers

Captain Marvel #1 Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick Art by David Lopez Colors by Lee Loughridge Published by Marvel Comics Captain Marvel #1 opens with its titular heroine and a motley crew of aliens trying to get a certain object and keep it away from evil aliens. This sequence sets up the premise of the book, which …

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10 Best Comics of 2013: Part Two

5. Captain Marvel (Marvel) Captain Marvel #9-#17 Writers: Kelly Sue DeConnick (9-17), Christopher Sebela (10-12), Jen Van Meter (15-16) Pencillers: Filipe Andrade (9-12, 17), Scott Hepburn (13-14), Gerardo Sandoval (13-14), Pat Oliffe (15) Inker: Filipe Andrade (9-12, 17), Scott Hepburn (13-14), Gerardo Sandoval (13-14), Drew Geraci (15-16), Tom Nguyen (16) Colorist: Jordie Bellaire (9-13, 17), Andy …

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Five Candidates for the New Ms. Marvel

Yesterday, Marvel released yet another of their mysterious “All New Marvel NOW” teasers with the words “Ms.” in green on a black background with no creative team listed. Some have theorized that this means the return of 2010’s “Girl Comics” anthology, but I think that it means that Ms. Marvel will return and get her …

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Five Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Solo Series

In a world where critically acclaimed, adventurous books, like Demon Knights, Journey into Mystery, and Dial H are canceled on a seemingly daily basis to make way for new Batman, Green Lantern, or Avengers books, a lot of characters get left out. These characters could transcend the boundaries of the DC and Marvel universes and allow for different types …

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The Enemy Within: Wonderful Start to Captain Marvel/Avengers Assemble Cross-over

Avengers: The Enemy Within #1 Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick Drawn by Scott Hepburn Colouring by Jordie Bellaire Lettering by Joe Caramagna Published by Marvel Comics If Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel isn’t the face of Marvel Comics today, then she probably should be. Her rise to A-list superhero, along with the debut of her new series, …

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Top Ten Hottest Writers in Comics

Disclaimer: Alan Moore is not found or mentioned in this article. (Except for now) Wizard magazine used to be both a blessing and a curse to comics fans. It had exclusive interviews with creators and fun features, like “Casting Call” and “Top Ten Writers and Artists”, but it was also criticized for mainly focusing on Marvel …

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