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‘The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance’ getting the remake treatment

Another remake? Shoot me. Variety reports that the latest classic to get the remake treatment is John Ford’s 1962 film, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. The original starred John Wayne, James Stewart, Vera Miles, and Lee Marvin. While the original was set in the old west, Variety reports that the remake may be set …

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‘The Delta Force’ force feeds too much amidst some decent procedural aspects

There are two ways by which one can watch and analyze director Menahem Golan’s The Delta Force. Both are worthy insofar as they put the film into context and help to explain what it does and how it tries to accomplish its aspirations. In neither instance however does the film get away scott free from, at times, head scratching decisions, other times ones that will easily make some viewers even feel rather dirty, and finally decisions that are just plain laughable, albeit in an enjoyable way.

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‘The Big Heat’ is a bitter tale of corruption and the fight for true justice

The Big Heat features one of the more mature stories to be found in noir. It deals with some extremely heavy material, some of which would understandably encourage its characters to give in to testosterone and rage, yet preserves an impressive air of level-headedness.

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