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‘Genius’ #3 – scales back in quality

I like this comic book less and less the more that I read it. With each issue, Genius scales back in quality and entertainment. Part of that is due to the current political backdrop in the United States,and how the comic tries to comment on a current events, but fails. More importantly, this critic is just having trouble believing in the story since the motivations within feel thin.

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‘Genius’ #2 – stretching plausibility

War against the LAPD has begun. At this point in the series, there’s a bit of a credibility gap in the story, as we only poorly understand the motivations for the gangbangers as well as for Destiny. This could be fixed with a few issues explaining some context and backstory, but as it stands, the action thus far is pretty hard to buy into.

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‘Genius’ #1- An Interesting Premise, another promising new series from Image

Genius is, at its core, a tale of revenge. A lot of kids grow up around a militarized, hostile police force and get lost in the system, and many of those kids grow up angry and potentially violent. This comic wants to show what would happen if one of those kids happened to be on an intellectual par with Hannibal or Alexander the Great.

Read More about ‘Genius’ #1- An Interesting Premise, another promising new series from Image