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No Sweet Science To Be Found in Ron Wilson’s ‘Super Boxers’

Set in a future where big business uses superpowered boxing matches to settle board room shenanigans, plotter and penciller Wilson, scripter John Byrne and inker Armando Gil are stumbling from the very beginning. Wilson, who had been a Marvel mainstay on Marvel Two-In-One and its successor The Thing, is trying to create something “gritty” and “real” in that late 1970’s/early 1980’s cinematic way. There’s threads of Super Boxers that can be traced to movies to the same narrative origins as Rocky, Blade Runner and The Terminator. A lowly street boxer named Max is used by the powerful elite to fight their battles and win their wars. It’s the age old story of class war set in a Ridley Scott/George Orwellian future.

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