‘A Hologram for the King’ is just a hopeless mirage
The only thing that saves ‘A Hologram for the King’ from reaching disaster status is the luminous presence of Sarita Choudhury.
The only thing that saves ‘A Hologram for the King’ from reaching disaster status is the luminous presence of Sarita Choudhury.
It’s hard to imagine what legendary director Barry Levinson and uber-cool demigod Bill Murray were thinking when they made ‘Rock the Kasbah.’
From Canada comes a fascinating new documentary about the daring extraction of 6 American Embassy workers from Tehran during the 1980 Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Omar Written and directed by Hany Abu-Assad Palestine, 2013 Within its first scene, Omar recalls the romantic actions of Shakespeare’s Romeo, as our title character climbs up one wall and jumps down another, both via rope, to approach the shy and reserved girl he’s got his eyes on. But as star-crossed as these lovers may be, …
A Bottle in the Gaza Sea Directed by Thierry Binisti Written by Thierry Binisti and Valérie Zenatti France/Canada/Israel, 2011 Friends who want to stay friends don’t discuss religion or politics. Contentious and divisive, discussions about these hot topic issues tend to lead to fiery debates, with interlockers entrenched in their predisposed ideologies. Verbal disputes …