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Iron Maiden’s latest music video pays tribute to classic video games

Iron Maiden takes us on a heavy metal trip through the history of classic video games. The legendary British heavy metal band are getting ready to release their first single in five years and in order to promote their new song, they’ve put together an awesome video game-inspired music video to mark the occasion. Titled …

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Two decades later, ‘Mortal Kombat’ is still one of the best cinematic adaptations of a video game

After Street Fighter laid the groundwork for the fighting game, Mortal Kombat hit the scene, setting a high water mark for realistic digitized graphics and pushing boundaries with its high levels of bloody violence, including, most notably, its Fatalities. It sparked so much controversy for its depiction of extreme violence and gore, it led to the creation of the ESRB (the video game rating system).

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‘Street Fighter V’ shows it’s ready for all challengers

Street Fighter has come a long way since 1987. What started as a quick coin-op brawler has fought its way to the top to become one of the most popular and most recognised video games in the world. After nearly 30 years and appearances in almost 50 games, the legendary brawler is ready for the …

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‘Mortal Kombat’ is as senseless as the game itself but without the great action

Almost nothing about this movie makes a lick of sense. Choosing where to begin in explaining what ails the picture in actually poses a problem for it’s a perverted embarrassment of riches, a seemingly endless pit of strange inconsistencies, bone headed dialogue exchanges and a general lack of cohesion to hold anything together.

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Fistful of Film Fury: Welcome to the fight of your lives

Welcome to Fistful of Film Fury, Sound on Sight’s new regular column exploring the world of martial arts film (The term world is taken seriously in this case, as shall be demonstrated in the weeks and months to come.). Fighting movies have been one of the most sought-after genres since the 1970s. The expansion of its popularity came in the aforementioned decade and was in large part due to the jaw-dropping output from the Shaw Brothers Studios in its heyday.

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