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‘Game of Thrones: Iron from Ice’ marks an engaging, if underwhelming, first chapter

Since its introduction in 2011, HBO’s Game of Thrones has soared in popularity, even usurping the might Sopranos as the networks most successful and popular show ever created. Of course, one of the shows best joys has been discussing its various plot twists and shocking revelations with fellow watchers. Now, however, for the first time, players can actually have a direct effect on this world, and instead of examining and criticizing the choices of others, fans will have the chance to make their own.

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‘Guacamelee!’ is ludicrous metroidvania fun

One of the greatest things about the indie marketplace is how it has opened up the gaming medium in every direction imaginable. Take Guacamelee! for example: developer Drinkbox Studios wouldn’t have had a luchadore’s chance in hell of getting published 10 years ago. With the advent of this new digital frontier however, a side-scrolling adventure game about a Mexican wrestler is now a totally marketable product.

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