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Saturday Night Live, Ep. 40.18, “Taraji P. Henson/Mumford & Sons” kicks into gear in second half

Henson has been working steadily since the late 90s, but thanks to her role as Cookie on Empire, she has appeared to, per her monologue, “made it.” Henson blends in well with the cast and commits to the looney worlds the show has her inhabit. The best sketches of the night, however, are the ones that don’t have her play straight woman or second banana. This is most prominent is the obligatory Empire sketch, where Cookie becomes a new cast member on Sesame Street, where she immediately runs roughshod over the show, stealing and devouring Cookie Monster’s cookie and turning Elmo into a new fur coat. Henson has the makings of a great host and hopefully next time she stops by SNL, the show will build an entire episode around her strengths than just half of one.

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