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‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’ # 34 is An Epic in the Making

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #34 does break away from the normal charm of the slice of life times of the ponies. It comes with a hidden and darker tale to be told at the end of the comic book. All together it is very good story with grand artwork. It surely is a stunning opening to a new arc.

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‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’ #31 Reins in the Chaos

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #31 picks up on the chaos caused in the last issue. The ponies of Ponyville stand divided over a fight over Ponyville Day. The argument was about if the Apples’ farm or Rarity’s shop should be recognized as the place that established Ponyville. Writer Christian Rice and artist Agnes Garbowska pick up again with the return of Twilight Sparkle to the now shimming tensions of the town as visitors from Cantorlot come. The writing comes again with a mixed feeling as the plot appears repeated and worn, but the characters are more rounded and truer to their nature. Garbowska’s art is serviceable to the comic with the cute style of each pony and the soft color palette. Together the art and the writing create a simple comic, but it still leaves a reader with a warm feeling inside.

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‘My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic’ #5: killer queen

IDW concludes their Fiendship is Magic series with a bang. As Twilight Sparkle and her friends finish their check up on Equestria’s greatest criminals, she comes across the notorious Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis is one of the stand out foes in the IDW My Little Pony line up. She served as the primary antagonist to kick off the series’ first arc and has been missing in action ever since, now two years later, creative team Katie Cook and Andy Price return to one of the franchise’s best beloved villains.

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‘My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic’ #4: welcome to your nightmares

The latest installment in the Fiendship is Magic month stars Nightmare MoonTo give credit where credit is due, it’s surprising that for a series of one-shots showing off the My Little Pony villain’s roster that it’s taken this long to get to her. As the first antagonist of the series and one who’s under gone the most development, it’s a genuine surprise that IDW has shown such restraint putting from putting her out in the first issue and it’s commendable.

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‘My Little Pony Fiendship is Magic’ #2 shows how power corrupts

How are villains created? Are they born out of the pits of Hades? Are they raised to act like they do? What creates a villain and how they see good and evil? My Little Pony Fiendship is Magic # 2 reveals the origin of the villain Tirek and his path which would lead him toward being banished later in the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series. The writer, Christina Rice, shows Tirek as a power hungry child, but leaves hints to take into consideration as My Little Pony Friendship is Magic weaves a story about Tirek and his early life.

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‘My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic’ #1: heart of darkness

A strange little event is occurring over in the house of IDW as they are taking a month off to produce a weekly My Little Pony mini-series designed to focus on the franchise’s villains dubbed My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic. In quite a pleasant surprise, the series does not go to the obvious foes such as Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis as this first issue focuses on King Sombra. Sombra is an odd choice to say the least. His debut was the subject of much hype given his intimidating design but quick backlash when Sombra actually spent most of his time being a spooky cloud of shadow in the background with little to no dialogue. He’s the perfect choice for a book like this as he’s little more than a blank slate for anyone to write upon. Though this issue does face trouble when trying to shed new light on this under developed character, it’s an interesting experience nonetheless.

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‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ #29: clever play

With Katie Cook and Andy Price having last month wrapped up their latest arc on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the series’ reins are taken up by the creative team of Ted Anderson and Jay Fosgitt. What they have is a fun done-in-one issue that puts a surprising spin on traditional masculine sports and hits the attitude behind the series dead on.

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‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ #28: environmental smack down

After a few weeks of delay, Katie Cook and Andy Price wrap up their latest arc of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Last time the pony crew found themselves in the middle of a crisis between a secretive kingdom of deer living in the Everfree Forest and a sleazy construction company building an amusement park on forest soil, causing the sentient woods to lash out on nearby pony villages. With no one else to call upon, the ponies must stop this catastrophe before all of Equestria is over run.

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My Top Ten Most Anticipated Comics of 2015

It’s come to my attention as of late that I tend to write mostly negative reviews. Despite the general consensus, I don’t find much in writing bad things about comics. I’d prefer to read good books over bad ones any day.  It’s just that I read more things from DC Comics than other publishing companies …

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‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’ #27: tangled but blooming

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #27 Written by Katie Cook Art by Andy Price Published by IDW Katie Cook and Andy Price kick off another arc of their excellent My Little Pony series. This time around, the ever mysterious Everfree Forest which borders the main cast’s home of Ponyville is lashing out, overwhelming the …

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