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Brick by Brick, The House Mario Built: The NES Days

The Nintendo Entertainment system was released in 1985 and retailed for $199 in the U.S.. The standard package included an 8-bit graphics console and two classic game controllers. Other bundles featured the NES Zapper along with the supported NES game Duck Hunt. If you were one of the luckier kids, your parents shelled out a …

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Ranking Nintendo’s Consoles #2: Nintendo Entertainment System

Nintendo Entertainment System (1985) The Japanese video game giant Nintendo emerged as a global leader in the video game industry when it unveiled the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. The NES went on to become the best-selling gaming console of its time and thirty years later, the NES still play a major influence on the …

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Throwback Thursday: The Nintendo Entertainment System is Born

The month, October. The year, 1985. The event, the release of the upgraded and re-branded Famicom system in the United States. A console gamers across the generations would come to know as the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES for short. A console that ended the Dark Age of video games by systematically undoing the damage …

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The 100 Greatest Nintendo Games, Pt. 1

Nintendo celebrated its 125th Anniversary last year, with the company founded on 23rd September 1889 in Kyoto, where its headquarters remain. The company has had an extraordinary history, originally producing handmade handful playing cards and several small niche businesses (including a cab service and luxury hotels), but since 1977, Nintendo has grown into one of …

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