How I Met Your Mother Ep. 9.07 “No Questions Asked”: a thoroughly unpleasant half hour of TV
Can we get to The Mother already? The longer How I Met Your Mother holds out on its central story, the more it undermines its main characters with over-the-top antics and horribly written subplots that bring out the absolute worst in everybody. Although “No Questions Asked” doesn’t quite stoop quite that low to get laughs, it’s attempts at humor are sloppy and random, gleaning a half hour of ‘comedy’ out of the titular joke – a joke that’s run its course by its second appearance, ten minutes into the episode. More so, it just feels like a complete waste of time, ending the episode without budging the plot forward an inch, leaving its two main couples dangling in the same awkward, uncomfortably contradictory positions they’ve been in all season.