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Best Movie Villains (1970s to Present)

Villains are an essential part of genre cinema.  Though scores of filmmakers have attempted to create truly great villains throughout the history of film, only a few have succeeded in achieving this difficult goal. Best Movie Villains 2000s The criteria for this article is the villains must be from live-action films only, and must pose …

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10 Best Movie One vs. Many (Outnumbered) Fight Scenes of All Time

You know an action hero is the baddest of badasses when he or she walks in and the room goes silent. The drug lord’s bodyguards, the mastermind’s henchmen, or even the foolhardy pack of drunkards outside a roadside bar stand at attention, ready for a challenge. It’s just one person. This shouldn’t be too hard. …

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‘Stoker’ stars and director able to bridge culture and language gap while filming

For many film fans, Stoker is a major event in cinema, the long-awaited arrival of Park Chan-wook on American shores. The director of Oldboy, among other genre favorites, has a cult fandom, but only for films made in his native South Korea. Even more, Stoker features a striking cast, including Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, and …

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‘Oldboy’ is a brutal masterpiece

Oldboy Directed by Park Chan-wook Written by Hwang Jo-yoon, Im Joon-hyeong, and Park Chan-wook 2005, South Korea  To mark the release of Stoker, Park Chan-wook’s first English language film, I watched his critically praised film Oldboy for the first time. Previous Sound On Sight reviews of Stoker point out the film’s subtle eeriness – in …

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The 100 Best Films of the Decade: 2000 – 2009 (Part 10)

10- Donnie Darko (2001) Directed by Richard Kelly Although Donnie Darko was removed from the big screen after a few weeks, it never disappeared. Thrown away by its distributor it ended up finding its audience on home video and at midnight screenings. Recurrent chats on the Internet indicated a rapidly growing fan base for the …

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