Orphan Black, Ep. 3.02, “Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis” takes a step in the right direction
After the underwhelming season three premiere, “Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis” is encouraging, moving what appears to be the crucial arc for the season, the introduction of Project Castor and the CastorClones, towards more interesting territory. While the two main CastorClones featured this week remain Bad Moustache Clone and Fauxhawk Clone, they’re given names and briefly, motivation. Seth (BMC) is sick, a short circuit in his brain causing searing pain and Rudy (FC) is protective of his brother, certain Seth will be put down if they return to base as they’ve been ordered. It’s not much, but this is far more characterization than Ari Millen has been given to work with either last season or in the season three premiere (aside from Creepy Cult Clone, Mark), and he does a surprising amount with these few beats. Seth and Rudy’s treatment of the woman they lure back to their hotel is appropriately creepy and traumatizing, a logical way to bring Art back into the fold, and making Sarah Manning the inspiration for Rudy’s decision to go off-book is a nice touch.