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Fantastic Fest 2012: ‘Dredd 3D’ – Diverting for 95 minutes, but nothing more

Dredd 3D Directed by Pete Travis Screenplay by Alex Garland 2012, USA Based on the very popular and long running British comic strip, Dredd 3D is fuelled by highfalutin violence, nonstop gunfire and hyper-stylized 3D action sequences. But any creativity that went into formulating the premise never found its way to the script writing stage. …

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‘Dredd’ is a refreshingly concise and thrilling genre exercise

Dredd Written by Alex Garland Directed by Pete Travis USA/UK/India, 2012 Excluding a much-maligned 1995 adaptation, one of the more notable influences 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd comic book series has had on the film world is informing Paul Verhoeven’s RoboCop. Both have corrupt future city settings, helmeted law enforcer protagonists, and often absurd levels of …

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