Sally Field shines in ‘Hello, My Name Is Doris’
There’s an undercurrent of genuine sadness in ‘Hello, My Name Is Doris’ that makes this otherwise modest comedy romance feel surprisingly poignant
There’s an undercurrent of genuine sadness in ‘Hello, My Name Is Doris’ that makes this otherwise modest comedy romance feel surprisingly poignant
The worst part of growing older is starting to realize that you aren’t the same person and can’t do the same things as when you were younger. Then, the understanding sets in as to what that means for your future. Maybe the class president or the hot girl in high school aren’t always the center of attention two decades down the road, and it takes a lot of small incidences to reach the point where that reality takes root permanently in your mind. Do things like humor, charisma, and love for a partner fade? What kind of work does it take to sustain happiness that is last memorable as distantly as five or ten years previously? This is where Brett and Michelle, and to a certain extent Tina and Alex, find themselves in “Kick the Can”, Togetherness’ fifth episode and halfway point of its debut season. Fresh out of what could be their first session of therapy or seventh time going, they both feel drained. Committing to discussing the problems in their marriage is a big step to take but actually following through and talking about their issues and how to move past them is clearly far more difficult than either of them expected it would be in that hotel room.
The one thing that Togetherness needs to do in order to make it unique compared to the myriad other LA-set comedies and dramas, and which it hadn’t done through the first two episodes, is to show why these characters at this specific point in their lives are worth caring about. The first two episodes let the audience get to know this quartet of slightly unhinged people in controlled environments. Whether at Michelle and Brett’s house, or at local restaurants and parks, the group interacted for the most part with only each other and assessed the state of their lives from a relatively safe perspective. Here though, it sends them all out in to the city to stand out against a backdrop of pretty and successful people who have everything much more under control than they do at this point.
Following the release of Sex, Lies, and Videotape in 1989, Steven Soderbergh was poised for stardom as the darling of the indie scene. He sat at the head table in a push to change the face of cinema. Unlike contemporaries like Tarantino, his predicted rise didn’t happen right away. He followed the popular debut with …
The quiet power of sex, lies, and videotape often gets lost in the cultural influence the film had. It’s often hailed as one of the first real independent films to make an impact and as the movie that announced the arrival of Steven Soderbergh. But beneath all of that is an often challenging film.
Step Up: Revolution Directed by Scott Speer Written by Duane Adler and Jenny Mayer U.S.A., 2012 Here is an interesting little franchise. The Step Up films, as far this movie reviewer can tell (having not seen any of the previous three episodes) do not follow any overarching plot, continuous from one instalment to the next. …