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‘Ultimate X-Men’ #7-9 is a black ops block party

Ultimate X-Men #7-9 goes for a more political look at the well-worn “mutant as a metaphor for oppressed minorities” story by making the formerly shady Weapon X folks completely aligned with the US government even if members of the government and military want to shut them down.

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‘Ultimate X-Men #4-6- Cyclops, Politics, and the Kubert Bros

With a dose of political satire, some soaring team-up action grounded in character moments (Storm struggling with her power; Quicksilver’s daddy issues; Wolverine the reformed assassin), and a robust arc for Cyclops, Ultimate X-Men #4-6 is definitely an improvement over the preceding three issues. The “death” of Beast is a cheap storytelling ploy, and I am still skeezed out from Wolverine’s sexual liaison with Jean Grey, but Millar and the Kuberts end this first arc on a triumphant, if dark note albeit with some skeletons in the closet waiting to be brought out for the following “Return to Weapon X” storyline.

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To Better Know a Hero: Professor X

Real Name Charles Francis Xavier First Appearance X-Men #1 (September 1963) Nicknames and Aliases Chuck, Baldy, the Entity, Onslaught Powers and Abilities Xavier possess the foremost mutant mind on Earth, and is a telepathy of vast power and skill, including the ability to read minds and projects thoughts, even at great distances, take control of …

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New X-Men “E is for Extinction” Changes Everything for Marvel’s Mutants

New X-Men #114-116 Writer: Grant Morrison Penciller: Frank Quitely Inker: Tim Townsend (114-115), Mark Morales (115-116), Dan Green (116) Colorist: Brian Haberlin (114-115), Hi-Fi (115-116) Publisher: Marvel Comics In 2001, the X-Men were both everywhere and nowhere. Bryan Singer’s X-Men film had been released the previous year and was a commercial and critical success. It showed that superhero films …

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James McAvoy Mentors The X-Men?

Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class is approaching ever so quickly and they have found their Professor X. The guys at /Film have word that James McAvoy (Atonement and Wanted) has been casted for the role as Professor Charles Xavier to mentor the first generation of X-Men. McAvoy is a decent actor, but I can’t see …

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