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The Unity Squad is back in ‘Uncanny Avengers’ #1

All throughout the issue, readers are granted a great example of colors from Richard Isanove, and how they blend to make each character look distinct. Every member of the Team has colors that render them dynamic and lets them exude a personality all on their own. If this issue is anything to go by, the Uncanny Avengers will be in good hands under Gerry Duggan’s dialogue, character portrayals as well Ryan Stegman and the rest of the art team making the Unity Squad a team to look out for.

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‘Ultimate X-Men #4-6- Cyclops, Politics, and the Kubert Bros

With a dose of political satire, some soaring team-up action grounded in character moments (Storm struggling with her power; Quicksilver’s daddy issues; Wolverine the reformed assassin), and a robust arc for Cyclops, Ultimate X-Men #4-6 is definitely an improvement over the preceding three issues. The “death” of Beast is a cheap storytelling ploy, and I am still skeezed out from Wolverine’s sexual liaison with Jean Grey, but Millar and the Kuberts end this first arc on a triumphant, if dark note albeit with some skeletons in the closet waiting to be brought out for the following “Return to Weapon X” storyline.

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I Liked Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch More When They Were Magneto’s Bastards

By this point, there’s a mound of evidence to support this theory, most of which have been analyzed and theorized about ad nasueam. There’s been the death of Wolverine, the slow and quiet cancelation of (literally) dozens of X-books, the hiring of Brian Michael Bendis (the ultimate Marvel company man), the lack of marketing and promotion of any X-book, and finally the completely unnecessary and suspicious delay of Uncanny X-Men #600. The most overt act of corporate terrorism waged against the X-Men ,however, has been the retconning of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch’s origin, an origin which was originally a retcon in itself.

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To Better Know a Hero: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

Quicksilver Real Name Pietro Django Maximoff First Appearance X-Men #4, March 1964 Nicknames & Aliases Pietro Frank, Matheo Maximoff, Powers & Abilities Quicksilver possess the mutant ability to move and think exceedingly fast. He can run at speeds up to Mach 5, and his body is designed to survive the rigors of moving at such …

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All New X-Factor Doesn’t Have Enough X-Factor

All New X-Factor #1 Written by Peter David Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico Colors by Lee Loughridge Cover by Kris Anka and Jared Fletcher Published by Marvel X-Factor has always been a strange bird among the X flock. First as a reunion vehicle for the original X-Men (albeit under the ruse of being mutant hunters), …

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